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TWITTER REPORT: R.I.P. George Steinbrenner, Batman Movie Titles, And An 'Entourage' Mini-Review


Batman movie titlesWe already knew that there were Yankee fans in the comics community, thanks to the Twitter Report feed, and they showed up along with some non-Yankees supporters today to mourn the lost of the team's owner George Steinbrenner. I have a feeling that a few of them were more familiar with Steinbrenner on "Seinfeld" than they were with his real-life business endeavors.

Elsewhere, if you follow any faces at all in comics on Twitter, you've probably seen the #movieswithbatman tag showing all over the place. I've included Gene Ha and Warren Ellis' submissions below, along with critical comparison of early "Avengers" comics to "Jersey Shore" and Fred Van Lente's feelings about "Entourage."

I'm @brianwarmoth, and this is the Twitter Report for July 13, 2010.

George Steinbrenner pt. 1: @ronmarz I'm no Yankee fan, but I admire their success and way of doing business. They are what they are today because of George Steinbrenner. RIP.
-Ron Marz, Writer ("Green Lantern," "Witchblade")

George Steinbrenner pt. 2: @ivanbrandon RIP george steinbrenner. may there be no sideburns wherever you go.
-Ivan Brandon, Writer ("Viking," "NYC Mech")

George Steinbrenner pt. 3: @ssava Crap. George Steinbrenner died. I loved him on Seinfeld. He was hilarious.
-Scott Christian Sava, Writer/Artist ("The Dreamland Chronicles," "Spider-Man: Quality of Life")

George Steinbrenner pt. 4: @FrankTieri Somewhere George is hiring Billy Martin. And firing him again. RIP George M Steinbrenner III. On behalf of Yankee fans everywhere..thank you
-Frank Tieri, Writer ("Wolverine," "Iron Man")

George Steinbrenner pt. 4: @petergkrause Haven't read the biography of Steinbrenner, but read a review. Have more sympathy towards him after reading he could never please his dad.
-Peter Krause, Artist ("Irredeemable," "Power of Shazam")

@fredvanlente As near as I can tell, "Entourage" is a TV show about characters calling other characters to find out where 3rd characters are.
-Fred Van Lente, Writer ("Action Philosophers," "Marvel Zombies")

Batman Movies pt. 1: @GeneHa #movieswithbatman ! Pippi Long Batman. Bringing Up Batman. My Batman Totoro. The Godfather Batman II. Debbie Does Batman.
-Gene Ha, Artist ("Top 10," "Back Roads")

Batman Movies pt. 2: @warrenellis The thing is, I now really want to see "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Batman." Also "The Batman Who Fell To Earth."
-Warren Ellis, Writer ("Planetary," "Transmetropolitan")

Parting Wisdom for the Day:

@Christosgage Damn, there was more sex in these early 80's Avengers than on Jersey Shore. (I would have said Melrose Place but I thought I'd seem old.)
-Christos Gage, Writer ("Union Jack," "Absolution")

Be sure to follow @MTVSplashPage on Twitter for up-to-the-minute breaking news in the world of comics and movies.

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